The data recovery process summarised

Recovering data from a failed, damaged or mismanaged piece of storage media can be a complex process. By identifying the problem, the most appropriate solution and the tools that will be required before beginning the recovery process, however, the whole thing becomes a lot more manageable.


For this reason, each piece of media – whether an SSD, RAID array, smartphone or anything else – that arrives in our lab goes through the same robust ISO-approved four-stage process; ensuring that we’ve identified the best possible means of recovering the data present on it.


Data recovery process step one: the initial assessment


Before any data can be recovered, the precise cause of failure must be determined. Only then can the most effective means of recovering the data can be decided. For this reason, three of the four steps we undertake are designed to ensure that this is done correctly with the first step being a straightforward analysis of the media.


In the event that the problem and appropriate solution is identified, then the data recovery will be undertaken. Should the assessor be unable to identify the cause of the problem, require a second opinion on how best to go about the recovery or there is any other cause for concern, we move on to the second step:


Data recovery process step two: further assessment


Just as physicians will seek out the opinion of a colleague when they’re unsure of the cause of a condition or the best course of treatment, our engineers will utilise their colleagues’ knowledge and skillsets to ensure that Fields Data Recovery consistently make the right decisions. So, if an effective ‘data recovery road map’ cannot be formulated during the first step, we utilise our most priceless resources – our skilled, experienced and passionate engineers – to resolve this.


In the event that a solution cannot be found here, the media is analysed by our specialist team.


Data recovery process step three: in-depth assessment


The engineers that form our in-depth assessment team are vastly experienced and, along with finding solutions, are tasked with treating each piece of media that comes their way as a research and development opportunity.


On the rare occasions that a piece of media is handed to our elite engineers, it’s because we’ve encountered something new; a unique problem we’ve not seen previously. It’s only logical that we view it as a vital opportunity to learn something new which can then be fed back to all other employees of the company and that any techniques we develop can, if necessary, be honed over time before being implemented company wide.


It’s highly unlikely that this step will fail to produce a solution to the problem but, if we don’t, we’ll return your drive to you completely free of charge. Once your drive has been with this team though, it’s highly likely we’ll be getting in touch and providing you with a quote for the recovery of your data. If you then want to go ahead, we move on to step four:


Data recovery process step four: backup and verification


Prior to the recovery being completed, we audit all recoverable data against that present on the original media in order to verify its validity before backing it up on to a brand-new piece of media and returning it to you.

All of these steps are undertaken at no cost to the customer as part of our free data recovery diagnostic service. Following the above process having been followed, each client is provided with a no-obligation quote and may choose to proceed with the recovery or have their media returned to them.


If your storage media’s failed, you can find out the approximate cost of recovering your data here